Contact Us

If you, or someone you know, is a owner of a small business or a retail location and would like to carry our CRACKED ARMOUR Apparel, please contact us.


CRACKED ARMOUR is an online apparel organization with the mission to raise awareness for PTSD, TBI (Traumatic Brain Injuries), and Mental Health.


 It is our hope by creating a community of warriors who proudly wear Cracked Armour, we help others feel supported and not alone.


The sales of Cracked Armour Gear supports the Returning Warriors Ranch. A PTSD recovery program in Bishopville, Nova Scotia for Canadian warriors who struggle because of trauma.


To learn more about the Returning Warriors Ranch and how you can partner with us to support our mission please click the link below.


The Returning Warriors Ranch: From Darkness to Light GoFundMe


Please Note:


We do not provide therapy or counselling.


We do not have trained professionals on staff.


If you are struggling and need immediate assistance please call 911.


If you are looking for help regarding mental health please refer to the "Resources" tab on our website. We provide valuable information on books, movies, and organizations.


Thank you for your continued support!


Mark Long


Est. 2018
