One of the most difficult things my family and I had to deal with to get myself help, was trying to find things as simple as:
- PTS Peer Support Groups in my area
- Therapists who specialize in PTS Treatment
- PTS Treatment Facilities
- Resources for Military, First Responders, Correctional Centre Officers, Nurses, Health Care Workers, and Dispatchers
I know first-hand how frustrating it can be to track down and look through all the media surrounding the topic of PTS. I have added this page of resources in the hopes that it will help point others in the right direction, and that we can take this journey of living with PTS together.
- Mark Long -
Larry Peyton
Boots on the Ground
Some things aren't just "part of the job."
Most people have no idea what a First Responder goes through, though they try. Even among our own, it can be hard to talk about "work".
That’s why we started Boots On The Ground. It’s an anonymous Ontario-based helpline where First Responders can talk to someone who’s been through it. We’re not therapists. We’re here to listen. No call display. No judgment.
Whether you are a retired or serving, sworn or civilian:
Police Officer
Corrections Officer
Emergency Dispatch Operator
We’re here to be your first call, when you’re ready.
We couldn't do it without you.
Boots On The Ground relies on your support to help our peers in need. Please consider donating to our organization today.
Heroic Hearts Project (HHP)
Heroic Hearts Project (HHP) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit that connects military veterans struggling with mental trauma to ayahuasca therapy retreats. These veterans typically have tried all the available resources offered by the Department of Veteran Affairs with limited success leaving them with very few options. We open the door to other viable options. HHP also provides support and professional counseling to these veterans throughout the process.
Our mission is to provide hope and healing to military veterans that have been left hopeless by the current Veteran Affairs system. We seek to spread awareness in the veteran community of powerful plant-based therapies like ayahuasca and end the excessive dependence on powerful medications to treat mental traumas.
Valhalla Project Niagara
Utilizing the inherent beauty of the Niagara region, we will seek to provide our participants with a safe and serene environment where they can engage in personal reflections and meditative activities.
To reduce the rate of suicide among Military Veterans and First Responders we provide programs to support, educate and facilitate a better understanding of PTSD. PTSD is only dangerous when you are suicidal and alone, we may not be able to control our suicidality, but we CAN control if we are alone in times of distress. Daily and ongoing usage of a support network is encouraged and demonstrated.
We seek to end the stigma associated to PTSD and allow participants to move forward into post traumatic growth.
Lift for the 22
Lift For The 22 is an organization designed to provide free one year gym memberships to the veteran community in order to reduce veteran suicide.
PAWS FUR THOUGHT – Paws Fur Thought is an initiative to provide Service Dogs to Veterans and First Responders with Invisible injuries.
Society of Atlantic Heroes Recovery and Reintegration The Society of Atlantic Heroes
Society of Atlantic Heroes Recovery and Reintegration The Society of Atlantic Heroes (SOAH) is a regional non-profit organization that provides veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP and community first responders with a safe haven to deal with serious personal challenges that lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) as a result of Occupational Stress Injuries.
Paramedic Nats Mental Health Journey/Wings of Change Peer Support Groups.
During these meetings we participate in anonymous, solution-based discussion and education regarding any work-related trauma and mental health challenge. We always refrain from ‘trauma-talk’ (call/patient details of any kind) as this may be a trigger to participants and is best discussed with healthcare professionals.
All First Responders, Law Enforcement Personnel, Correctional and Communications Officers, Members of Military, Healthcare and Child Protection Providers, Animal, Funeral and Judicial Service Workers along with any other profession which is exposed to work related trauma; be it career, retired or volunteer.
While an employer may be providing this meeting’s contact and location information as a resource they sanction, they are not directly affiliated with this meeting.
Soldier On Canada
Canadian Veterans Ombudsman
Veterans Affairs Canada
The Joint Personnel Support Unit (JPSU) provides personal administrative support and programs to ill or injured CAF members of the Regular and Reserve Force who have a medical condition that precludes them from returning to their normal place of duty for a period of six months or more.
Mental Health resources for CAF members and families
Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services
Mood Disorder Society of Canada
Canadian Armed Forces Health Services

Canadian Mental Health Association

HomeWood Health, PTSR (Post Traumatic Recovery Program) Guelph Ontario
Vets Canada
Paramedic Nats Mental Health Journey
Wounded Warriors Canada